Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Spring has sprung! Woohoo! Here's our resident cheeky gardener Pat amongst the flowers at Crossroads. It's all looking lovely. Nice work Pat!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bridge to Brisbane

The annual Bridge to Brisbane took place on Sunday 11th September

And wow, just look at all those people participating in such a good cause!

Oooh and lookie here! Crossroaders Mikaela and Beth are there!

Congratulations to both Mikaela and Beth on raising funds for the nominated charity Legacy and we're all very proud of your achievements! 10 kms? Yikes! I'm feeling awfully puffed just thinking about it! Well done girls!

Land, Sea & Sky

Here's Brett enjoying the Land, Sea and Sky: Contemporary Art of the Torres Strait Islands exhibition currently on at the Gallery of Modern Art until October 9th. Brett is the handsome devil on the right by the way.