Monday, July 25, 2011

Gone Fishing...

The gang went fishing last week on the Bribie Island jetty. Sadly nobody caught anything but it was a beautiful day and everybody enjoyed themselves regardless. Oh, actually Tim caught a piece of seaweed so somebody DID catch something at least. And it was an impressive piece of seaweed! Onya Tim! The fish & chips lunch by the beach was rather tasty.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Happy Bastille Day!

How do aussies celebrate Bastille Day? Well I'm not sure how the rest of Australia celebrates, but we at Crossroads celebrated in style with a feast of fine french food, a little french music, some stripey shirts & an afternoon of water bomb fights! Water bombs may not be traditionally french, however, the spontaneity and frivolous fun of it all is very much what the french folk are all about I believe. A lovely day was had by all. Viva La France!

Monday, July 11, 2011


Ben celebrating NAIDOC last Friday, along with the thousands of others at the festival. A great turnout! Lovely weather, lovely atmosphere, lovely day!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011