Tuesday, November 24, 2009

An upcoming puppet show!

The Crossroad's weekly drama group (Dramatic Directions) have been busy lately creating puppets and madly rehearsing for an upcoming performance in celebration of International Day for People with a Disability.

A few of the puppets that will be appearing. A dreadlocked vampire, a chef and a giraffe. I also took a photo of one of the starring puppets, MC Jelly the Ghost, but when I uploaded the pic his image had vanished. Spooky!

Stuff in the making. Yet to be transformed into something cool

One of the almost completed set designs for the show

Barrel of puppets. They get up to all sorts of mischief when they think nobody is watching. Hopefully they haven't been too influenced by the crazy antics of the gang of muppets from the film Meet the Feebles...

Please excuse the poor quality of this image. The original file for the flyer was unable to be uploaded to blogger so this is a photo of the flyer. All are welcome to attend the show, so if interested simply turn up on the night!